Star Trek (2009)

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País: USA, 2hr. 07mim.

Género Acción, Aventuras, Ciencia Ficción

Idiomas: Inglés

Gesehen: No

Clasificación IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star
8,0/10 (527181 votos)

Clasificación Usuario:
star star star star star star star star star star

Argumento: The fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of bitter rivals. One, James Kirk, is a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy. The other, Spock, a Vulcan, was raised in a logic-based society that rejects all emotion. As fiery instinct clashes with calm reason, their unlikely but powerful partnership is the only thing capable of leading their crew through unimaginable danger, boldly going where no one has gone before. The human adventure has begun again.

Director/es: J.J. Abrams

Reparto Chris Pine (Como Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Como Spock), Leonard Nimoy (Como Spock Prime), Eric Bana (Como Nero), Bruce Greenwood (Como Pike), Karl Urban (Como Bones), Zoe Saldana (Como Uhura), Simon Pegg (Como Scotty), John Cho (Como Sulu), Anton Yelchin (Como Chekov), Ben Cross (Como Sarek), Winona Ryder (Como Amanda Grayson), Chris Hemsworth (Como George Kirk), Jennifer Morrison (Como Winona Kirk), Rachel Nichols (Como Gaila), Faran Tahir (Como Captain Robau), Clifton Collins Jr. (Como Ayel), Tony Elias (Como Officer Pitts), Tim Griffin (Como Kelvin Engineer), Freda Foh Shen (Como Kelvin Helmsman)

Resolución: 720×576 (PAL DVD)

Rel. aspecto: 2.35:1

Medio: Desconocido,

Origen: [ Desconocido ]